Product Launching Marketing

Mr. Carlo Calimon a director, discussed his insights and knowledge about product launching & marketing. The discussion focused on  "Are you ready to launch your products or services?" 


Mr. Carlo Calimon mentioned to know that you are ready to launch your products or services is to look back at the basics. 

The Marketing Mix: Master the 4 Ps of marketing

Product: What you sell and how it meets customer needs.
Place: How much you charge and how it affects perception and profitability.
Price: Where you sell it and how you make it accessible.
Promotion: How you communicate about it to generate interest.

Also, you cannot work on the 4 marketing mix without its center which is the customer. For the marketing mix to work, you need to have a clear understanding of who your customers are. 

Remember, a customer is the entity that takes money out of their pocket and puts the money in your pocket, in order to experience the value that you are providing!

The discussion during this Q&A session raised some interesting points, such as the effectiveness of using Facebook for advertising. Director Carlo shared that while Facebook can be a useful platform, it is crucial to target the right audience. In some cases, traditional methods like door-to-door sales might be more effective. As marketing channels constantly adapt to changing consumer behavior and technological advancements, it is essential to remain flexible and adaptable. Staying informed about emerging trends and being willing to adjust strategies accordingly will help you stay ahead of the competition and reach a broader audience.
